Monday, June 15, 2015

Cock of the walk.


I seem to be obsessed with coloured pencil at the moment. Here is yet another one that I finished today. I’m reasonably pleased with it, but now I see it on screen I can see places where I need to increase the contrast.

Just heard on the radio that several places in Ireland are enjoying 22 degrees , not where I am in the south unfortunately, it’s a nice day but with a stiff breeze from the sea keeping the temperature down.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Another coloured pencil


An adult Starling feeding it’s young. This time of the year is great , all around there is new life, birds feeding young,flowers blooming, trees all the shades of green you can imagine. Very soon we will have the longest day after which the evenings will get shorter, at first imperceptibly , ushering in another season, but hopefully we will have several weeks of sunshine to keep us going through the autumn and winter.

Coloured Pencil



Found these two, unfinished, when I was clearing up my studio, so decided it was time to finish them. I used a mixture of Prismacolor and Polychromos coloured pencil,