Forgot to put this one up with my other Christmas cards, you can customise what you want to say and I will print it in the bubble for you. Did some last year for people that were a bit rude but all in good fun. If you are interested email me on
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Custom Cards
Forgot to put this one up with my other Christmas cards, you can customise what you want to say and I will print it in the bubble for you. Did some last year for people that were a bit rude but all in good fun. If you are interested email me on
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Halloween leftovers
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Prints for sale
This is a selection of framed limited edition prints I have for sale in the Ring of Cork Craft Shop, in Midleton , Co Cork. I will also be putting them up on this blog and my website in the next few days. Great value at €29.95, ideal for Christmas presents.
Any occasion greeting and Christmas cards, 6x4inch, complete with envelope, €2 each. The inside is blank for your own personal message.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Work in progress update
I think this is beginning to get there. I found a photo online showing the pub many years ago, surprisingly the front doors are still the originals. Not sure if I am getting across the idea of past and present as I want to, so open to suggestions.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Wildlife Greeting Cards
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Another work in progress
I took the reference photo for this painting in Kenmare during the October bank holiday weekend. I was taken by the moderness, is that a word?, of the guy texting and the frontage of the old pub. The plan , if it works, is to have the sides of the painting misty and showing the past, but I am not sure yet how I am going to do it.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Work in progress
This has been sitting around the studio for a long time now, and was getting knocked around and marked by other paintings, so I bit the bullet and put it on the easel on Saturday and it’s nearly done, maybe an hour or so more to do.
This is the previous post of this painting.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Emporer Dragonfly
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper.
This dragonfly was thought not to exist in Ireland until quite recently but due to birdwatchers taking more interest in other flying creatures has proved to be reasonably common.
The hardest part of this painting was trying to decide how to tackle the wings, think I made a reasonable effort.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
My Studio
I have been rearranging my incredibly untidy studio, and came up with an obvious idea (well it was Orla, my mate, the ceramicist next door, actually, I’m just claiming the credit.So we hung paintings on the outside , so obvious huh? That way people can view the paintings without facing the ogre inside…grrrrr.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Work in progress finished( I think)
Just finished this today, I think. Not sure about the top right hand quarter, but not sure what else to do about it, would be interested in opinions. Have changed it a bit from the wonderful photo by Andrew Foley which is posted below, but I think I have kept the overall impression.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Another work in progress
Another coloured pencil on the go. This Budliea is just outside my studio and has been full of butterflies so I took a few shots and tried to reproduce the wonder and beauty of the insects. Got a bit bogged down with the flowers so took a break and went on to the picture I showed yesterday.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Work in progress
My latest venture, coloured pencil on pastel board, from a photo by a friend of mine, Andrew Foley, I have changed it around to suit myself , added the mouse etc. Still a long way to go, I will post another WIP. I had forgotton how long coloured pencil takes, but I do love the results.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Cork Craft Month
Cork Craft Month runs from August 8th until September 8th at venues all over the Cork area. This weekend the Shanagarry Design Centre holds centre stage with free painting workshops by myself on Friday and Saturday afternoon (both full), clay modelling worshops on Saturday and Sunday afternoon by Orla O’Rourke, (fee payable), of Stable Door Pottery and free hand scrub by Elaine Hayes of Angels Touch. There is so much going on it’s really worth a visit.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Bank Holiday Weekend
It’s a Bank Holiday Week End here in Ireland and in Ballycotton , every year, they have a fund raiser for the RNLI, which is very well supported, especially as we have a lifeboat in the village, well in the harbour actually.
If you are anywhere near Ballycotton for the weekend call down, there is loads for the kids to do and adults too.
Friday, August 2, 2013
I have been very busy this week, the pressure is on, my students exhibition opens on next Friday night, the 9th Aug, so everyone is up to high ninety. I thought I would put up some of their paintings as an example of the quality of their work, hopefully any of you able to make the opening will do so.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Work in Progress 2
Spent a very humid day in the studio working on this again, think it’s getting places though still not happy with the background, too bright?
The exhibition is getting ever closer but we seem to have everything under control, I start worrying as it gets closer that something major has been forgotten.
Met a lovely lady yesterday in the studio, artist Cora Murphy who works out of a studio in Cork City. Her work is really good and her website is well worth a look.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Work in Progress
Another racing scene, as you can see,40”x30” canvas. Not sure if the background is too strong but will carry on until the jockeys colours are in, might get a better idea then.
The sun is still beating down, so the classes are very slack and visitors to the studio few and far between,all on the beach I suspect. Maybe I should be on the beach painting?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Nearly Finished
It’s very hard to settle down and paint in the stunning weather we are having, but I have managed to do some and this one is now nearing completion, just a few nicks here and there I think. It’s a largish canvas, 40”x 30”, I like this size a lot, its not too big to be intimidating. I have started another canvas this size, again of a racing scene, I will post a work in progress.
I have been very busy in the last week getting the exhibition, “A Real Piece of Work” organised. With 40 odd artists involved it’s quite an undertaking, but everybody is giving what help they can, so it will all come right at the end!
If you are anywhere near the venue this exhibition is a MUST SEE!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Cobh Cathedral
Another picture that I discarded and came back to. The town of Cobh (formally Queenstown) which hosted the ill fated Titanic before it tragically sank.
Oil on canvas with the paint applied with a palette knife. I took the reference photo a number of years ago from a boat.
Not sure if its the good weather or what, but there are still two places on my FREE workshop on Saturday 20th July, 3pm to 5pm.If you have always wanted to try to paint ,this is your chance, booking essential, ring me on 086 2468303 or e mail:
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Still Hot!
Seriously hot in Ireland…not complaining but finding it hard to work, inside or out. Have produced more greeting cards, which will be for sale on this blog and also my website, .
I am trying to get this one finished, it’s down to the fine detail stage so as usual I am finding reasons not to paint.
Still places left on Free workshop for Beginners.
Saturday 16th July 3pm to 5pm
Studio 2, Shanagarry Design Centre.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Hot Hot Hot
The weather is amazing, summer is finally here and everybody is making for the beach.The studio is very quiet, so maybe I should head for the beach as well.
I have been trawling through my sketchbooks again and came across this sketch of my wife.
I have used similar sketches for a painting that I posted recently, but this is from a different angle…may make a painting.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
A Real Piece of Work
You are going to get sick of hearing about this but I will be posting regularly to remind you all to come to an exhibition of paintings by artists in my classes.
Friday 9th August @ 7.30pm
“Downstairs” in Shanagarry Design Centre,
Shanagarry, Co Cork.
This is a not to miss exhibition!!!!
It wouldn’t be my blog without a picture so here is one I painted and sold recently, of Penn Castle, which was owned by the family of William Penn who invented Pennsylvania, (hope I spelt it right). This is next door to my studio, so it was inevitable that I would paint it sooner or later.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
The view from the Bayview Hotel, Ballycotton, where myself and 7 others of the Old Road Painters group had our Summer night out. What more could you wish for , a view like this and superb food and wine. It was wonderful to dine “en plein eire”.
Here’s another one taken from one of my sketchbooks, this time a wading bird called a Bar Tailed Godwit.
Sketched this Blackbird a couple of winters ago, then put in the colour later.
Friday, July 5, 2013
RING PHIL ON 086 2468303 OR E MAIL
I have been going through some of my old sketchbooks. This is a page of a Pied Wagtail that conveniently bathed in a puddle alongside my car in Ballynamona beach, near Ballycotton. He was totally unconcerned by me.
Little Egrets
This was an initial sketch for the front cover of the Cork Bird Report.