Monday, January 24, 2011

Work in progress

Got the yen to try coloured pencils again, so spent a bit of time looking for subject matter, eventually came on some pics I took of the rulers of our household…..our two cats.


This is the one we call Tabby, I know …she’s not a Tabby. Don’t ask!


Have a long way to go yet, but I think it’s going the right way, she’s looking a bit cross in the painting, so will have to find a way of softening the look. Will post again when a bit further on.


  1. Your cat portrait is lovely. You are very adept with colored pencils and she looks like a real sweetheart.

  2. Great start. Looking forward to the end result.

  3. Wow Phil, I didn't even think that colored pencils would have such an effect. I am learning so much. I just love her little heart-shaped nose.

  4. Looking good - I love the way the eyes are shaping up.

  5. Loving it already. This one's got beautiful eyes and you've portrayed that vividly as well ^^

  6. A sweet cat with lovely eyes, should be a lovely piece of work.

  7. Wonderful start! It will be so beautiful. nancy

  8. LOVE the cats pictures in colored pencil! so impressing and so inspirational! makes me want to pet them!

  9. I really like what you are doing. I too have a few of these household rulers. One is a Maine Coon cat called Daisy Mae and the other a Calico called Honey. I need to do more drawings of them after seeing yours.
